Dehumidification FunctionDe-humidify your life. Control your indoor humidity level with our innovative dehumidification function. It mixes cool dry air, with the warm air to keep you comfortable and prevent overcooling. It can even save you money.
Oscillating Air VentHot spots, be gone. Enjoy every bit of cool air with our oscillating air vent technology. It circulates your cool air more efficiently, so no hot spot will be left untouched.
Heat Pump TechnologyComfort has never felt so good. LG's exclusive Heat Pump Technology creates energy from the air, so you can cut carbon emissions from your home-up to 90 percent.
Programmable 24-Hour On-Off TimerTiming really is everything. With our programmable 24-hour on-off timer, you can control the temperature even when you're not there.
Remote ControlAll of our easy-to-use air conditioner remote controls are handy for making adjustments to temperature, timer, and fan speed.